
The Networked Individual in Why its Kicking Off Everywhere – audio of discussion on Paul Mason’s book

Andrew Flood looks at Paul Mason’s recently published book ‘Why its kicking off everywhere’ and in particular what Mason has to say about the internet and the emergance of the ‘Networked Individual’.   The recording is of a WSM supporters meeting in Dublin and the 20 minute presentation is followed by 30 minutes of discussion on the ideas outlined, roughly as summarised below.

This talk was part of the preparation for an 18,000 word review and discussion of Why its kicking off Everywhere.’


Andrew Flood looks at Paul Mason’s recently published book ‘Why its kicking off everywhere’ and in particular what Mason has to say about the internet and the emergance of the ‘Networked Individual’.   The recording is of a WSM supporters meeting in Dublin and the 20 minute presentation is followed by 30 minutes of discussion on the ideas outlined, roughly as summarised below.

This talk was part of the preparation for an 18,000 word review and discussion of Why its kicking off Everywhere.’


technological determinism
post autonomist influence
door knocking & the spread of the internet
the need for coherent organisation in advance of the kick off
counter hegemony
people know how nasty capitalism is – how do we get them to act rather than just share
who are the educated youth
technology as enabler
the contrast with how it used to be in
technology & a sense of power in Egypt
the downsides of email – using it dominate
the danger of people being consumers
Like’ing rather than acting
trying stuff in the real world to learn skills
the effects of 20 years of passivity
spreading of bad information
leaking internal information
does he have a magic solution?


Andrew Flood reviews ‘Why its kicking off everywhere’ by Paul Mason with discussion by Workers Solidarity on Mixcloud


You can also download the MP3 file from the internet archive

The recording was made at the monthly WSM supporters meeting