
The Jobstown dawn Garda raids against the Water Charges movement

This article combines accounts of the raids morning after morning early in February when in retaliation for a sit in directed against a Labour Party Tainiste the Garda arrested 21 people over five days from Feb 9th 2015.

[Italian translation of this article]

Day 1: Shocking news this morning as we hear that Garda have arrested four anti-water tax protesters this morning in connection with the sit down protest three months ago that kept Joan Burton in her car for a couple of hours. The Jobstown 4 are Paul Murphy, Scott Matherson, Mick Murphy and Kieran Mahon.

Churchill and the crushing of the Greek Left at the end of WWII

Both Churchill & Greece are in the news, but who remembers that Churchill was behind the brutal suppression of the Greek left towards the end of world war two, a suppression in which former Nazis were rearmed and with British troops killed thousands of Greeks?

The man Churchill put in charge of the operation, Sir Charles Wickham, for qualified for this brutal counter insurgency role because he had been the first Inspector General of the Royal Ulster Constabulary, from 1922 to 1945.


As ECB tells Greeks they voted wrong – will Syriza pull the temple down?

Do we live in an economy or in a society? Last night Europe’s central bankers sent the clear message they expect us to be the well behaved slaves of an economy rather than equals in a society. Less then two weeks after the Greeks had elected an anti-austerity government the ECB in effect told them they intended to block the promises of change that government was elected on.

J31 – Water Charges march fills both sides of Quays

Dublin city centre came to a complete standstill this afternoon (31/01/2015) as thousands of people marched in the city centre as part of a day of action that saw dozens of marches all over the country. The two photos here were taken seconds apart and show the north & south quays packed with protesters.

Irish Water battle comes to Sean O’Casey’s doorstep

The Irish Water battle came right to the door step of Sean O’Casy’s home on Inisfallen Parade this morning (28 Jan 2015). Garda assaults have seen one person injuries and attempted intimidation on balaclava wearing goons hired by Irish Water is continuing.

We note that while the media has had a huge focus on insults shouted at the president no questions have been raised at why ‘security’ are not only following and videoing residents but are now running around masked up and refusing to identify themselves. It seems extraordinary that the media have failed to notice this while at the same time having such a focus on verbal insults (which have now been apologised for). You’d almost think they had an agenda.

Irish Water van not petrol bombed as pictured after all

We have an easy winner for the WTF example of media bias this week (17 Dec 2014) in relation to the water charge resistance. The Sunday World journalists have pulled out all the stops in the service of Denis O’Brien as illustrated below. In case you miss the small print under the photo we have underlined it in yellow ‘How it Could have Looked’.

IFPA reveal Asylum Seekers forced through unwanted births in Ireland as Labour prepares to block abortion again

The Irish Family Planning Association (IFPA) revealed yesterday (16 Dec 2014) that over the last 12 months alone they have seen 26 asylum seekers or women with travel restrictions who indicated they wanted an abortion but were unable to travel abroad. At least 5 of those women were forced to continue the pregnancy to term.

Operation Pandora raids in Spanish state – If you touch one; you touch all

Demonstrations took place overnight (15 Dec 2014) across the Spanish state against the series of police raids targeting the anarchist movement. The Barcelona demonstration of 2000 people was led by a banner proclaiming "If you touch one; you touch all"

Demands include "Freedom for those arrested for struggling" "Down with prison walls" and "Social war against the state of capital"

Irish Water meter installers continue to be frustrated in Dublin 7

Irish Water meter installers continue to be frustrated in Dublin 7 this morning (15 Dec 2014) in Avondale Ave, Montpelier hill and other locations. To add to the fun apparently the clampers have clamped some of the parked up Irish Water vans!

Because of the effectiveness of residents patrolling all the entrances to Stoneybatter they have taken to parking up their trucks at Topaz & Blackhorse Avenue in Cabra waiting for an opportunity to sneak in when people have to go to work or take breaks. Bottom right picture shows some of their crew hiding out near McKee Barracks as spotted by the Blackhorse Avenue page.

MASI – Movement of Asylum Seekers in Ireland

In a very welcome development Asylum Seekers have come together to build an independent, self-organised nationwide asylum seeker movement in Ireland. The  new group is called MASI – Movement of Asylum Seekers in Ireland and stands for Freedom, Dignity & Justice for Asylum Seekers!

RTE were full of news this morning about how Obama’s new migration initiative might improve the lives of the huge numbers of people from Ireland illegally in the US. It’s great to see the people trapped in detention centres in Ireland step up their resistance to our cruel regime.