#TakeBackTrinity sees occupations spread across the college leading to abolition of resit fee

14 March saw 40-50 students in Trinity College Dublin occupied the dining hall there to protest the introduction of a 450 euro fee for those who have to sit supplemental exams. Such a fee while trivial to wealthy students would be a major barrier to continuing their eduction to most. Having to work minimum wage jobs to earn it would reduce their chances of passing supplemental exams, further reducing meaningful access to 3rd level education.  After college locked them in a solidarity protest gathered on the steps which then occupied two further buildings.  The college realising that their attempts to repress the protests had backfired then changed track and tweeted that they agreed with the students and would seriously consider alternatives, a week or so later they announced the fee had been abolished.

14 March saw 40-50 students in Trinity College Dublin occupied the dining hall there to protest the introduction of a 450 euro fee for those who have to sit supplemental exams. Such a fee while trivial to wealthy students would be a major barrier to continuing their eduction to most. Having to work minimum wage jobs to earn it would reduce their chances of passing supplemental exams, further reducing meaningful access to 3rd level education.  After college locked them in a solidarity protest gathered on the steps which then occupied two further buildings.  The college realising that their attempts to repress the protests had backfired then changed track and tweeted that they agreed with the students and would seriously consider alternatives, a week or so later they announced the fee had been abolished.

The video shows a rally on the steps of the building where students are chanting "Education for the masses, not just for the ruling classes". The struggle is to abolish a 450 euro fee for supplemental exams that would punish students who are not from wealthy backgrounds.

From this rally students moved to occupy two additional buildings, the Exam Hall and Regents House. The neo-liberal college management are also deeplu unpopular with many workers on campus and tonight could well ignate a struggle that will force them to back down on the fee issue but also lead to other succesful fights.

University Times reports "In an email statement to The University Times about the occupation of the Dining Hall, the President of Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU), Kevin Keane, said: “This occupation is the clearest sign yet that the students refuse to accept the college’s attitude of squeezing them for every last cent. We are here, because this university exists for its students. This space belongs to the students, and we’re simply occupying our own space.”

Following #TakeBackTrinity on Twitter we read;
"This was a peaceful protest until now.. trinity has really shown how obscene it is with depriving students of food and toilet use"

"We complained about being treated like second class citizens. And now they’re treating some of us like hostages. How is this not illegal? How are they allowed to do this? "

"The sole criterion for entry to Trinity should not be "How wealthy are your parents?" You are destroying the university by your servile capitulation to Fine Gael cuts & EU "Feed-a-Banker" policy of attacking the poorest students. RESIGN!"

"This was a peaceful protest until now.. trinity has really shown how obscene it is with depriving students of food and toilet use"

"Im inside the dining hall almost crying because these students are standing up for us THANK YOU "