Five most popular articles of 2011

At the end of another year I’ve had a look back at all the articles I wrote in 2011 and how many reads each received here in Anarchist Writers and on the WSM site.  Below are the five most popular according to those counts.  In think all of these were also published in other locations so both the count and rank are only approximations. 

At the end of another year I’ve had a look back at all the articles I wrote in 2011 and how many reads each received here in Anarchist Writers and on the WSM site.  Below are the five most popular according to those counts.  In think all of these were also published in other locations so both the count and rank are only approximations. 

1. Garda – "Give me your name and address or I’ll rape you" 20500 reads
Give me your name and address or I’ll rape you” – the words of a Garda Sgt as he discussed with at least two other Gardai how they were going to interrogate one of two female Shell to Sea campaigners they had arrested and who were being brought to Belmullet Garda station.

2. London burns – causes & consequences of the riots – an anarchist perspective 9788 reads
The police killing of Mark Duggan resulted in four nights of rioting across England. The immediate trigger was the killing itself, and the disrespect shown by the police to Mark’s family and friends. But the riots rapidly broadened to expressions of a more general anger and alienation; an anger that was all too often unfocused and striking out at the nearest target of opportunity.

3. As Gaddafi falls – Lessons from Libya – imperialism, anti-imperialism & democratic revolution 6634 reads
The sudden end of the Gaddafi regime some 6 months after the start of the Libyan revolt leaves some difficult questions unanswered for the left. Gaddafi’s determination to physically crush the revolt quickly transformed it into a civil war, a civil war that saw considerable imperialist intervention on the rebel side, intervention that was essential to their eventual victory.

4. Irish police dirty tricks and attacks on campaigners in aftermath of release of rape discussion video 6422 reads
Garda in Mayo took revenge for the publication of the Corrib cops rape threat video yesterday (4th April) by attacking Shell to Sea campaigners during another protest near the site where the women were arrested. Alongside this there are clear indications of a dirty tricks campaign being waged by the Garda Press Office.

 5. British Queen’s Dublin Castle banquet protested by a few hundred as Garda harass activists 5498 reads
About 250 people took part in the éirígí organised march on the banquet for the British Queen staged in Dublin castle Wedensday night. WSM members joined the demonstration but Garda had intercepted the person transporting our flags and banner to the protest leaving us somewhat invisible.