I wrote the following text in November 2012 to have ready in case a smear campaign directed at the freshly renewed pro-choice movement in Ireland gained any real traction beyound the media stories mentioned below. I didn’t publish it at the time as it failed to get traction and thus this would, at best, have been a distraction from the organising work being done, work that was going to succeed in a few short years in overturning Ireland’s ban on abortion access through the Repeal referendum in May 2018. The smear was built around an email I had sent as rumours of the death of a women having died in a Galway hopital after being denied an abortion spread amongst pro-choice activists and was basically just me proposing we have a meeting to organise a protest if this turned out to be true and the family did not object. My main concern was that the anti-choice activists and their pet journalists would work out who I was and concoct a weird conspiracy story through misrepresenting my long activity as an anarchist in Ireland and elsewhere in a somewhat similar fashion to the way they has used the involvement of individual republicans to smear Shell to Sea a few years previously.