More audio – on the economic collapse

I’ve been editing the audio recorded at a WSM meeting last Wednesday on The cause of the crisis in global capitalism to turn into podcasts and a google video. This is the second google video I’ve done, I’m very interested in the additional reach that producing material in this format may provide, the previous video has around 400 views at the moment.


Some recent audio work – Rossport, Fascism and Kibbutz

I’ve not been blogging anything like as often as intended for a variety or reasons including going through a tough period. But what I have been doing a fair bit of is audio recording, some of it with my new Olympus DC-40 which I’m delighted with. I’ll try and blog a bit more often in future but in the meantime here are links to some of that audio

Oh what a surprise, another crisis!

My last blog entry was written after the record bounce back of the finance markets last Friday after short selling was banned. As could be gathered, I was not convinced that the crisis was over (any more than when that French bloke was arrested, after Northern Rock was nationalised, after the other actions which were mention to be one-offs which harmed an otherwise sound system). And guess what? Crisis is back.

What an insane way to run an economy!

A couple of meetings and capitalist crisis, again?

Well, now that capitalism is now no longer imploding (well, according to some headlines in the papers), on to more serious business of selling magazines. The next issue of Black Flag should be ready for the London Anarchist Bookfair (18th of October). Which means that we have become bi-annual, as planned! Which is good.

The Road to (private) serfdom…

I’ve been thinking about what to post next from the “archives”. Part of the problem is that I started with the works I consider best, so now I’m at a wee bit of a lost what to post next. Any suggestions will be gratefully received!

That also means that new visitors should start at the last page and work forward! Maybe some sort of index page would make sense? Is that possible?

Leninism and Stalinism: A letter to the Weekly Worker

This letter to the Weekly Worker is a bit unusual for me, in that it is not in response to an attack on anarchism by the CPGB. It was provoked by reading part of the Manifesto of the Campaign for a Marxist Party by Hillel Ticktin. Ticktin is what passes for a Leninist intellectual these days and made his name by predicting the ultimate collapse of Stalinism for some decades before its ruling class come to conclude that private capitalism allowed more perks than state capitalism.

Mutual Aid, elections and a letter to Freedom

I’ve fixed a few typos in my introduction to Mutual Aid. Hopefully that are the last ones, but I’m sure a few still managed to get past!

Talking of which, this blog as a letter to Freedom related to my review of Steve Jones and his attack on Kropotkin. Some people do not give up…

A collective noun for anarchists?

Is there a collective noun for anarchists? If not, I propose Richard Nixon’s suggestion of a wild orgasm of anarchists.

Nixon referred to the anti-war movement as a “wild orgasm of anarchists sweeping across the country like a prairie fire.”

Which is pretty funky, in spite of the source. Any other suggestions?

Tories, Friedman and Monbiot

First, a new article. The Tories have been trying to portray themselves as to the left of Labour these days for some time. Not that anyone who remembers Thatcher could seriously believe them. The Tory Shadow Chancellor wrote an article for the Guardian on this which was so staggeringly bad I had to write a response. A staggeringly insane set of assertions by Osborne by any standard!

AFAQ news and Engels on Holland

As far as An Anarchist FAQ (AFAQ) goes, it looks like the launch will be in Glasgow in December. Layout issues have caused the delay but I’m assured by AK Press in Edinburgh that it will be physically out this year. As its being printed in North America, it may be a while before it reaches the UK. I’ll post when I get more information. And, yes, I do find this frustrating as hell!