I’ve added quite a few sections, including most of the introductory material and the glossary of terms, people and events. Hopefully the introduction will give some idea of why Proudhon is important as both a thinker in his own right and as founder/father of anarchism.
Archives: Blog entry
A <em>blog entry</em> is a single post to an online journal, or <em>blog</em>.

Way back around 1993 I co-hosted a political slot on a pirate radio station for a few weeks, that was my first experiment with audio rather than writing as a way of transmitting ideas. The experiment was brief and it was a decade later in 2005 before I returned to audio, this time online. As well as talking a little about Radioactive this post looks at the technology I’ve used and methodology I’ve developed since then in the course of recording some 100 audio segments. I include sample recordings so you can see how different equipment gives different results.
First off, I’ve added a new text to the "Property is theft!" book page, namely the classic article "The Malthusians“Proudhon quotes”
Well, that is it — the Proudhon Reader has been sent to AK Press! Finally… In addition, the book’s webpage has been started (www.property-is-theft.org), the first extract been put on-line and the first blog posting has been done.
Welcome to the new blog for the new Pierre-Joseph Proudhon anthology, Property is Theft! This is due to be published in November this year by AK Press and will mark the 170th anniversary of Proudhon’s "What is Property?" and the birth of anarchism as a named socio-economic theory.

Andre Previn: "But… But… You’re playing… You’re playing all the wrong notes."
Eric Morecambe: [Grabs Previn by the lapels] "I’m playing all the right notes. But not necessarily in the right order"
This post is about the immaterial product, using the concept of use-shape, the occasional translation of Marx’s Gebrauchgestalt, to explore this sometimes confusing concept. We explore the concept of the pattern form, a type of non-subjective, i.e. "really-existing", yet immaterial shape, which is the concrete form of the immaterial product.

I got home from a WSM meeting last night to discover via Facebook that Howard Zinn had just died. In the twelve hours since hundreds of my FB friends have posted reactions to this enormous loss and links to his material. Reproducing these spontaneous and often heartfelt reactions here seems a fitting way of marking the death of the man who wrote "We don’t have to engage in grand, heroic
This audio is a recording of Ronit Lentin’s talk on ‘Race and State in contemporary Ireland’ given as part of the Better Questions seminar series in Seomra Spraoi which I went to last Tuesday. I’ve also made a brief comment on me not getting the Foucault / biopower stuff the theoretical end of this talk was based on. This was the first in a sequence of planned meetings which I think has a relationship with the stalled series last year where I made a brief contribution on social centre type spaces in North America I’d come across in order to suggest that term did not in itself define a consistent practice.

If you want to escape from the misery of the Irish winter the warmest, cheapest and most direct destination is the Canary islands far to the south off the coast of Africa. It is a tourism entirely build around cheap flights bringing affordable holidays in the sun to millions of European workers. But has it any future on a planet threatened by Climate Change? When I visited Lanzarote in January 2010 I was escaping one of the coldest winters that Ireland had seen in decades, a coldness perhaps created in part by the very mechanism I was using to escape from it.
AFAQ is now at release 13.4. So What’s New at the FAQ?