The Fenians, armed rebellion and mass direct action

Leaders of the Fenian'sFor some 66 years a secret underground revolutionary organization operated across the globe but in particular in Ireland, the USA and Britain with the aim of overthrowing British rule in Ireland. The activities which included repeated invasions of Canada, land war & rebellions in Ireland and the bombing of British cities led to the creation of the secret police in Britain (Special Branch), greatly accelerated the confederation of Canada into a single state and even played a part if the development of the submarine.

And the Nobel Prize for class war goes to…

Wow, what a handy co-incidence. Just as various neo-liberal organisations and governments are urging “austerity” and cuts, the non-Nobel prize is awarded to people who confirm their assumptions. As reported in the Guardian: “One of their conclusions is that more generous unemployment benefits give rise to higher unemployment and longer search times.”

How not to make a revolution – Young Ireland, the Chartists and 1848

"William Smith O'Brien Young Ireland leaderI recently read a biography of the Young Ireland revolutionary William Smith O’Brien, leader of the 1848 insurrection in Ireland, sometimes disparagingly referred to as ‘The Battle of Widow McCormack’s cabbage patch.’ I’ve vague memories of being taught about it in school, the focus being on the arguments between Daniel O’Connell and the Young Irelander’s in the years before the rising with the details of the rebellion very much an afterthought, nothing in fact that I recall beyond that one battle. But the detail of this rebellion which took place during the Great Hunger that killed over a million has a lot to say about nationalism, republicanism and class and the way those tensions would play out over the next 150 years.

Revised introduction for “Property is Theft!”

The final stages of getting “Property is Theft!” ready for publication are being reached. The proof-editing is near completion, with the introduction done. Since I got the original version sent off earlier this year, I’ve been finding and fixing typos. I’ve also revised the introduction a bit, mostly the appendix on Proudhon and Marx. I’ll sketch why I made these changes here, particularly as they throw light on both Proudhon’s ideas and how much Marx distorted them.

pdfs of articles and Anarchist Christmas!

Well, as someone once put it, Anarchist Christmas will be here soon… Yes, October 23rd is the annual London Anarchist bookfair! I’ve been going for over 20 years now and I still look forward to it – even if some of the stall and meetings depress me somewhat. Still, the quality seems to be steadily improving. I’m doing a talk entitled “From Proudhon to Kropotkin”:

Organizing for America and the “Enthusiasm Gap”

The 2010 election 

WASHINGTON — Democrats desperately need other Democrats – to vote. – Liz Sidoti, of the Huffington Post 

The 2010 Senate elections are barely a month away, and Democrats across the country are getting worried. 

Articles from press releases – Garda wielding commando knife at Rossport

A brief account of yet more occupations of Shell drilling rigs in Rossport written from  Shell to Sea press releases for the WSM site.  I’ve recently started doing this quite a bit figuring that as such press releases are written for the media to hopefully copy and paste and article from it makes sense for us to do this for our own media as opposed to simply republishing the press release.  In the case of the first story I also thought the original press release rather buried the lead, the ‘Knife wielding Garda’ that I brought back into the first paragraph and the title.

Proudhon on socialisation

This month’s (somewhat delayed!) release from “Property is Theft!” is 1851’s “General Idea of the Revolution in the Nineteenth Century.”

Money as rupture in the flow of consciousness

Consider the situation of loaning a spade to a friend or associate. Imagine further that you are away from your home for some time. In that time the loaner of the spade then loans it out to another person. When you return and need the spade back you may not be aware of where it currently is – that is you don’t have total knowledge of the entire chain of transference – but you have the first link in the chain and a reasonable expectation that each link will either lead to another or, if the chain is broken, accept responsibility for replacing the spade.

The Balance Question

In the ongoing attempts to analyse the causes of the global financial crisis in the mainstream media, a continual refrain is that the underlying cause is the “imbalance” in world trade. This diagnosis is superficially tempting as it is always self-evidently correct. For the same reason, it is also an utterly cretinous tautology, rather like the sub-Marxian left’s kneejerk response of “overproduction” as the cause of any particular crisis.