Cead Mile Failte to the IMF

Here a track i put together last week about the (then impending) IMF/ECB bailout

Wallmapu, Frontera del Sistema Mundo Capitalista.

Toda economía-mundo es una yuxtaposición de espacios ligados a niveles diferentes: un centro estrecho, regiones segundas bien desarrolladas, una periferia de márgenes externos. En el centro de una economía-mundo se encuentra siempre un Estado fuerte, dinámico, agresivo. Es el caso de Venecia en el siglo XV, de Holanda en el XVII, de Inglaterra en el XVIII y parte del XIX, de los Estados Unidos…
Bolívar Echeverría, La modernidad “americana”, claves para su comprensión.

The power of ideology

First, the big news: “Property is Theft!” has now been proof-read, revised and in the hands of AK Press in America. I also managed to do the promised (for Freedom) review of Proudhon’s “What is Property?”

Wall Street Already Finding Loopholes in Financial Reform Legislation

Continuing in the tradition of watered down, pro-corporate legislation that the Obama administration is becoming infamous for, new reports are surfacing that banks and financial institutions may continue to get away with the same risky trading and investment practices that landed us in a recession.

Police infiltrations & a trip to the 2010 London anarchist bookfair

Main hall and banners at London anarchist bookfairAnother October and it’s another London anarchist book fair. It’s the biggest event internationally of its kind with dozens of stalls and meetings and thousands of people going through the doors. Most years at least three groups travel over from Ireland for it, WSM, Rag and Organise! and both WSM and RAG use it to launch new issues of their respective magazines. I spent last weekend at the bookfair (perhaps the 8th London one I have attended) this blog is a mixture of notes taken at the time,some thoughts edited in afterwards and the news of a police infiltrator discovered in the moved in Britain.

Some Thoughts on Synthesis and Political Identity

Cover of Wobblies and Zapatistas

Wobblies & Zapatistas is a long and inspiring conversation between Andrej Grubacic, an anarchist historian from the Balkans, and Staughton Lynd, a longtime Marxist organizer from the US. The conversation veers between many controversial and relevant topics for contemporary radicals. 

Obama admin takes a hard stance on pot legalization in California

 Once again, President Obama’s administration is standing in the way of pro-working class, civil rights legislation. In response, the Democratic Party’s base is dropping out from under them. In order to offset the lost votes, Obama and the democrats are doing everything they can to get their base motivated – everything except listening to them.

Obama speaking to students at George Washington University in Washington, Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2010.


Mutual Aid, Parecon and the right stealing “libertarian”

Good news! My “Mutual Aid: An Introduction and Evaluation” is now in print, thanks to the wonderful people of AK Press in Edinburgh. They produced a short-print run for the bookfair on Saturday and we sold around 15 (at £3 each) on the Black Flag stall. A proper print-run is forthcoming. My talk on “From Proudhon to Kropotkin” was relatively well attended, given its somewhat historic theme.

An Anarchist FAQ in Kurdish (and other languages)

One of the joys of working on "An Anarchist FAQ" is when comrades link to the site — it shows that comrades like it. Even greater is the joy to discover that others think it good enough to translate into another language. Many have started translating it, but some of the sites have disappeared (such as Spanish). The latest translation project is in Kurdish: http://afaqkurdish.wordpress.com/

Irish residents have 1250 billion in overseas investment or do they?

Irish investment by country CSOEarlier in the week I turned a fairly obscure CSO report from last week into a brief article for the WSM web site.  On first reading the report seems to say that people living in Ireland have 1250 billion invested in bonds, stocks and shares overseas.  This is 25 times the cost of the NAMA bailout so certainly appears to represent an alternative way to pay for NAMA then shutting down much of the health and education system.  After some discussion on Facebook and researching online I’m not quite so sure what this figure represents anymore, I added a final paragraph to the article to flag that.  The article is below, I’ve a few more comments on the process around it afterwards.