2012 Dublin anarchist bookfair audio – and a SD card data recovery panic


Last week I edited the last of the audio recordings from the 2012 Dublin anarchist bookfair and got them online.  Each year we try and record any of the suitable sessions and get them up shortly after the bookfair.  This is never 100% successful as the hectic nature of the day along with random technical and other difficulties always manages to sabotage some recordings, this year was better than most as I we ‘only’ missed 3 of the targetted 9 sessions.  The audio from the 6 that made it are below, its almost 9 hours worth of listening in all so don’t eat it all in one sitting.

Old Media In the Age of The Internet – Why Bother With Radical and Underground Publishing – Video & audio

I was on the panel for the 2012 Dublin Anarchist bookfair discussion of the continued usefulness of old / print media.  It was a well set up panel with a good range of people from publications following quite different models of print and distribution.   I’ve included the write up of the session and the audio and video I recorded and edited of it below.  For the curious the video was taken by a Go Pro Hero2 camera which I’d placed on the edge of the table as an experiment which turned out to be ‘good enough’ to use.


Recall in Wisconsin – the Alternative Was Worse

The votes are in: republican Governor Scott Walker has survived his much publicized recall election, besting his Democratic opponent, Tom Barrett, by a sound 9 point margin.

A Note From Below To The Yes Voter

Written last Friday as the result of the recent Irish referendum came in.

Communism and Syndicalism

When I was producing my recent lengthy response to yet more AWL nonsense about anarchism, it got me thinking about precisely the difference between communism and syndicalism within anarchism. This lead me think about the importance of narrative, of how we explain ideas and movements.

Anarchist Studies Review of Property is Theft!

"All those who wish to see the ideas of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon … achieve wider appreciation and recognition will welcome this new anthology … This is the most comprehensive English-language collection ever published…The primary function of this impressive collection is to make Proudhon’s writings accessible…and to dismantle the superficial misconceptions that have surrounded Proudhon’s theories. It does this marvellously…" (K. Steven Vincent)

Dublin Mayday 2012 Photos & Video

 The Dublin Mayday march took place this year in appaling weather conditions which meant many of the 1000 or so who started out never made the final rally at Liberty Hall.  As you’ll see from the pictures on the Quays machers were literally being wrapped up in their own banners by the wind and rain.  The WSM called an anti-authoritiarian bloc in which around 60 people took part and about 40 went to the social afterwards.

Photos & video from the April 2012 Reclaim the Streets in Dublin

 After a gap of some 6 years Reclaim the Streets returned to Dublin on April 28th with a few hundred people taking part.  Apart from Garda initally acting the bully boys with regards to people openly consuming alcohol there was no hassle and a good time was had by all. The organisers press release along with a slide show of the better photos I took on the day is below.

Controversy on the WSM position on the so called austerity treaty

Every so often you find yourself taking a different position to the rest of the left, an interesting experience as the shrill denunciations pour in because you’ve dared to depart from orthodoxy. The so called ‘Austerity’ or ‘Stability’ referendum in Ireland has proved to be one of those occasions because the WSM has dared to argue that they referendum is in fact meaningless. And in particular we disagree with the standard left line that it can be treated as a referendum on austerity.

We say this because there is no suggestion that if the referendum is voted down austerity will be halted. And we think the attempt to shift resistance to austerity from the neighborhoods to the ballot box is a grave error. After all the context is the campaign against the Household tax which around half the households in Ireland have refused to pay. That we insist is ‘The real No to austerity.’ You can read more on the WSM thinking on the so called austerity referendum, the sequence of articles also shows the hardening of our position as we debated it out internally.

Double-dips, exploitation and inequality, Kropotkin and Proudhon on slavery

I have not blogged for some time. Sorry, although in the big scheme of things that is no big thing. Suffice to say, things are quite busy for me – particularly in work, with the union rep duties I now have. I aim to try and summarise my experiences in a Confessions of a Union Rep entitled blog/article, but I’m well aware there are other blogs I’ve promised and not done and a long list of articles and reviews I’ve started but not finished.