Photos from the anti-austerity march in Dublin

Saturday saw a major anti-austerity march through Dublin organised by Dublin Council of Trade Unions and the Campaign against the Household and Water Taxes.  The turnout was far larger than I expected, perhaps as many as 15,000 marched on a fairly miserable late Novemeber day.  I’ve a selection of some of the photos I took here, as usual there are much more in the WSM Facebook album for the event.

An Anarchist FAQ Volume 2 launch, Glasgow, 14/12/2012

To mark the publication of volume 2 of An Anarchist FAQ, there will be a book launch for at Glasgow’s Anarchist End of Year event:

14th of December 2012
Kinning Park Complex
Cornwall Street
(next to Kinning Park Undergound)

As well as the author speaking, there will be a discussion period followed by an Anarchist Social. A Radical Independent Bookfair mini-stall will present.

Gaza Solidarity protest in Dublin with Gaza & Anarchists Against the Wall speakers – video

Saturday 17th Nov 2012 saw a Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) protest in the center of Dublin against the attacks on Gaza by the Israeli state.  Speakers at the protest on O’Connell street included a Gaza resident and a member of the Israeli Anarchists Against the Wall group – both speeches are in the embedded video.  For the curious I filmed this with a Go Pro Hero 2 which I wear on my head when I’m taking photos, that’s why you will see my SLR coming into view from time to time.  

Volumes 1 and 2 of An Anarchist FAQ are now in print

Volumes 1 and 2 of An Anarchist FAQ are now both in print. Volume 1 was published by AK Press in 2008 while volume 2 was published in 2012.

We would urge you to buy direct from AK Press or from your local radical bookshop rather than a corporate bookshop, for obvious reasons.

Photos from the Dublin protests for Savita Halappanavar

These are my photos from the many protests in Dublin following the death of Savita Halappanavar after she was refused an abortion in a hospital in Galway.  There is much to say about this and about the organisation of the protests but that will have to wait until I have time to do some writing.  In the meantime I think these photos capture something of the mood of the huge numbers of people who have taken to the streets to say Never Again.

Democracy fail – child referendum passes by huge majority on tiny turnout

Poster at the Four Courts Image by infomatique  License creativecommons by-sa Once it became clear that the Children’s referendum was going to be passed Twitter came alive with outraged Yes campaigners complaining about the low turnout. It demonstrated that no one, it appears, was willing to ‘think of the children.’ Pop singer Sinead O’Connor went so far as to suggest that it should be made a criminal offence not to vote. 

Image by infomatique License CC by-sa

Using photography – pro choice support Marie Stopes photo call

 Medical abotion became legally available in Ireland for the first time with the opening of a new Marie Stopes clinic in Belfast.  As you might image the forced birther movement has gone into overdrive with pickets of the clinic being led by a fascist who has previouslu supported the killing of catholics by loyalists (just so long presumably as they had been born). The director of the clinic is former PUP leader Dawn Purvis, the Progressive Unionist Party was pretty unique in terms of electoralist parties north or south in adopting a pro-choice position.  The forced birthers are in a panic because they rightly see this as the beginning of the end of the long misery they have managed to impose on women north and south who found themselves pregnant when they had no wish to be.

Controversy – WSM 10 years goals motion & argument from 2008

The text which follows is the ’10 year goals’ I proposed to the Workers Solidarity Movement in 2008 and which were adopted by WSM national conference. They were opposed by a minority at the time and some of the controversy around them returned with the publication of ex WSM member James O’Briens ‘The WSM and anarchism: A political analysis’ earlier in the year.  In the meantime however that section of the perspectives paper has been overwritten with new material (I think in 2011) which meant the original text was no longer available on the internet except through the way back archive.*

Photos from the Dublin March for Choice (and video)

Saturday 29 September saw thousands march through Dublin as part of the March for Choice and as usual I was there with my camera. I’d been part of the organising group for the event but my task for the day itself was photography, just as well as it turned out.   The slideshow here is composed of some of my better pictures from the day, as usual you will find a very much larger collection in the WSM March for Choice Facebook Album.

Kropotkin Anthology Update and Anarchist Bookfair talks

This will of necessity be a short posting. Life, as always these days, seems far too busy! Email and article/review writing has suffered, so apologies if you are expecting a reply or wondering why I’ve not posted any pieces here for a while. Just now I’m working on my Kropotkin anthology and two talks for this year’s London Anarchist Bookfair on October 27th at Queen Mary, University of London (Mile End Road, London, E1 4NS).