How Nuclear Power was Defeated in Ireland – Video from DABF 2015

Alan MacSimoin explains the successful campaign of the 1970’s that stopped nuclear power coming to Ireland

National Union Of Journalists Concerned Over Denis O’Brien Silencing Media

The National Union Of Journalists (NUJ) has expressed concern over Denis O’Brien silencing of media and the role his control over much of the  media plays in the lack of media opposition.

The NUJ are concerned that the media failure to defend Dáil privilege may shatter public trust. Then more cynical amongst us might think that would be a good thing, for too long media outlets in Ireland have been spoon feeding the population with one side of the news in the service of those with wealth and power. O’Brien is at least doing us the ‘favour’ of making the control those with power over what can and cannot be reported very obvious.

NUJ Irish secretary Séamus Dooley has warned that faith in the media would be shattered if proprietors and editors did not challenge threats to parliamentary democracy and freedom of expression.


Judge orders arrest of remaining Grangegorman squatters

In a disgraceful if not unexpected scene the High Court has again taken the side of property speculators and ordered the arrest of the remaining squatters at Grangegorman – 19th May. The judge also imposed a 14-day prison sentence on one of the occupiers who said he had not yet vacated the premises because he wanted time to bring an appeal to the Supreme Court


More arrests of water charge campaigners in Dun Laoghaire

There were more arrests of water charge campaigners in Dun Laoghaire yesterday (19 May) and two of the four arrested are up in court around now.


O’Connell street blocked by water charge protesters demanding release of Stephen Bennett

Dun Laoghaire court remanded one of the water charge protesters arrested 19th May to Cloverhill prison for a week. An emergency protest called for the 20th blocked the quays and O’Connell st for an hour in the evening demanding his release.

Stephen Bennett  is a well known water charges activist in Dublin who has been successful in defending himself in numerous cases brought by the Garda. He was remanded after refusing bail conditions that would have denied his freedom to protest in future. These conditions were clearly intended to remove him from the streets.

Homophobic No campaigners set up fake Yes for Equality Facebook page

In the last 24 hours anti equality campaigners have been setting up fake Yes to equality Facebook pages and then posting links around to large groups like the 26,000 strong anti water charges group. The intention being to trick people into voting No by trying to give credence to the fevered imaginations of homophobes.

Anarchist bloc on the April 18 Bin Your Bills Water Charge march

Taking advantage of the fact that a lot of local water charge groups were not seriously mobilsing for the April 18th march we called a last minute Anarchist Bloc to encourage people to attend via our Dublin radical events from WSM group ( )

Anarchist bloc on the water charges march through Dublin

Posted by Workers Solidarity Movement (Ireland) on Saturday, 18 April 2015


Calling it early – the marriage equality referendum has passed

Its already clear (23 May, 10am) that the referendum has been passed, that there has been a Yes vote across the country, its now only a question of how big. We won’t know the answer to that for hours.

We are confident with this call because not only are huge Yes tally being reported from Dublin (as high as 3:1) but very large Yes votes are also being reported from some rural boxes. There are others that are 50:50 or even thought to be slightly No but its clear these No’s hope to counteract the huge Yes’s from the cities, never mind the significant Yes votes that appear to have happened in many rural areas. Areas that voted against divorce are showing significant Yes votes.

Defending the Amazon defending Life video from the Dublin Anarchist Bookfair

You can now view the video of the Defending the Amazon defending life from the Dublin Anarchist Bookfair 


The fight against Water Charges – Where next? – video from DABF 2015

This panel discussed the challenges facing the popular, community-based movement against Irish Water, and what we should do next.

Speakers from the Dun Laoghaire, Mahon & Swords campaigns discuss the way forward at the 10th Dublin anarchist bookfair

See for background info