
Reply to the SWP Open Letter on Nice

LAN poster against military refueling at Shannon This Open Letter was written for in answer to an open letter from one of the main leninist parties in Ireland that had been published in their newspaper.  I’d recently had some bad experiences of their methodology in other struggles which inspired me to write this reply to explain why such a letter was not going to get a positive response.  Later in that year and across the following two we were going to have a lot of problems with this party in the anti-war movment and then the European Union summit protests of 2004.



Building Workers against the Black Economy fight sub-contracting in Ireland

In 1998 building workers struggled against the replacement of directly employed workers with contractors through ‘Building Workers against the Black Economy’ an extra union group that was in reality quite close to the unions and set up to avoid the Industrial Relations Act being used against the unions.  In the course of the struggle David McMahon and William Rodgers were jailed, this text is an Anarchist News produced by WSM around the protests at this jailing.


The 1992 struggle against casualisation in An Post

The An Post (post office) dispute of June 1992 should be seen in the context of a fight against casualisation by a well organised workforce. The origins of the dispute go back to March 1990 when the Communication Workers Union (CWU) National Executive agreed with An Post’s plan to introduce to casual workers. An emergency motion at the CWU conference in May however instructed the Executive to oppose the introduction of casuals.


One law for the rich

At the end of October (2006), Denis Vranich, a millionaire night club owner and property speculator was convicted of a sexual assault on a 22 year old his employee working at his club. The Hamilton Spectator reported that "Vranich grabbed the woman, pulled down her bodice, groped her breasts and penetrated her with his finger", in her Victim Impact Statement the employee reported "The thought of him makes me absolutely nauseous and brings on panic attacks".


Why do anarchists publish a newspaper?

As anarchists we hope to help build communication between people engaged in struggle and inform a growing proportion of the real facts of such struggles. The other related aspect of an anarchist newspaper will be articles that sketch out what anarchism aims to achieve and what the history and current reality of that struggle


First Nations in Canada – When Property Law Does Not Apply

Railroad blockade in Ontario Normally the settlement of claims to property are something the court system takes very seriously. The very foundation of capitalism after all is that some person can claim ownership of a piece of land, and through that ownership charge others rent to use it.


Direct actions forces military airline out of Shannon airport

This article looks at how direct action had forced one military airline out of Shannon in the context of how dependent modern wars are on long supply chains. This is used to argue that similar actions across Europe and the US could prevent the war from taking place. "In this war our rulers do not need us to fight as soldiers, they would like but do not require our support for the war. They do however need us to remain passive, for if we turn our disgust at this war into action against it then their war machine will grind to a halt."


USA warplanes using Shannon airport in 2002

A front cover story for Workers Solidarity in 2002 on the use of Shannon airport for refuleing US war planes


February 15 2003 anti-war march in Dublin and plan for March 1st at Shannon

Report on the massive anti-war march in Dublin February 2003 and the plans for the March 1st direct action at Shannon airport that developed out of the meeting that morning.


Interviews with anarchists in 17 cities across the USA

Interview citiesBetween February and May 2008 I interviewed 31 anarchists in the USA located in 17 different cities. The interviews are linked to below and provide a snapshot of the anarchist movement across the United States and anarchist attitudes towards local struggles and the US elections. The interviews were conducted during my ‘Building a Popular Anarchism in Ireland’ speaking tour during which I spoke at 45 locations across the USA and Canada.