An incomplete Kropotkin Bibliography

I’ve been working on the new Kropotkin Anthology, concentrating on listing the various works by Kropotkin. This is the first draft of my activities. As will become clear, there is a significant amount of articles which have never been translated or have not been republished from Freedom.

I’ve been working on the new Kropotkin Anthology, concentrating on listing the various works by Kropotkin. This is the first draft of my activities. As will become clear, there is a significant amount of articles which have never been translated or have not been republished from Freedom.

Some of these are important, particularly the ones on trade unionism. Thanks to this, someone who advocated direct struggle by workers against capitalism and the state has been turned into some sort of hippy… This has been done by Marxists, of course, but a few of the liberals who blighted the UK movement from the 1960s to 1980s have played their part (I don’t include Colin Ward in that, although some of his followers are included). Hopefully, the material I’ve gathered and got translated for the new book will help present a more accurate picture of Kropotkin’s politics.

Suffice to say, I have a much better understanding why Kropotkin was so highly thought of in the movement (perhaps too much!).

Anyways, I’m very busy and am finding it hard to get the time and energy needed to blog and write just now — and when I do, it will need to be on the introduction to the Kropotkin anthology. However, I want to get a leaflet done for the TUC march on the 20th of October as well as do a talk at this year’s London anarchist bookfair. But we will see…

Until I blog again, be seeing you…


An Incomplete Kropotkin Bibliography

This is listing of all books, pamphlets and articles by Kropotkin discovered during the research for this book. It is by no means complete, but is as comprehensive as possible. As well as original research, it draws upon the following books: Kropotkin and the Rise of Revolutionary Anarchism, 1872-1886 by Caroline Cahm, Evolution & Revolution by Graham Purchase, Kropotkin by Martin A. Miller and A Short History of Anarchism and Bibliographie De L’Anarchie both by Max Nettlau.

Kropotkin’s Collected Works (Black Rose)

George Woodcock edited Kropotkin’s Collected Works shortly before his death. In 11 volumes, it includes all his major writings as well as numerous important essays and articles.  This collection is by no means complete, missing out the articles collated in Act for Yourselves, for example, not to mention numerous articles in anarchist papers in Britain, France and Russia.

Volume 1: Memoirs of a Revolutionist (1989)

Volume 2: Great French Revolution (1989)

Volume 3: Mutual Aid: A Factor in Evolution (1989)

Volume 4: Conquest of Bread (1990)

Volume 5: Russian Literature: Ideas and Reality (1991)

Volume 6: In Russian and French Prisons (1991)

Volume 7: Words of a Rebel (1992)

Volume 8: Ethics: Origin and Development (1992)

Volume 9: Fields, Factories and Workshops (1996)

Volume 10: Fugitive Writings[1] (1993)

Volume 11: Evolution and Environment (1995)


This is a list of Kropotkin’s books. It does not attempt to list all the many translations of these works.





Paroles d’un Révolté, ed. Elisée Reclus. Paris: Flammarion

Translation: Words of a Rebel, Montreal; New York: Black Rose Books, 1992


In Russian and French Prisons, London: Ward and Downey.



La Conquête du Pain. Paris: Stock

Translation: The Conquest of Bread, London, Chapman and Hall, 1906. Serialised in Freedom.


Fields, Factories and Workshops: or, Industry combined with agriculture and brain work with manual work, London: Hutchinson & Co.



Memoirs of a Revolutionist, Boston: Houghton, Mifflin.

First serialised as “Autobiography of a Revolutionist” in the Atlantic Monthly, September 1898 to September 1899.


Sovremennaia nauka i anarkhizm, London, Russian Free Press.

Translation: Modern Science and Anarchism, Philadelphia: Social Science Club, 1903.


Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution, London: Heinemann

Revised edition 1904


Modern Science and Anarchism, Philadelphia, Social Science Club

Serialised in Mother Earth, August to December 1906. Republished by Mother Earth Publishing, New York, in 1908.


Russian Literature, New York, 1905.

Reissued as Ideals and Realities in Russian Literature, New York, A.A. Knopf, 1915.


The Terror in Russia. London: Methuen



La grande révolution 1789-1793, Paris:


Translation: The Great French Revolution, London: Heinemann.


Modern Science and Anarchism, 2nd edition, London: Freedom Press.

Revised and expanded version. Published in December to mark Kropotkin’s 70th birthday.


La Science Moderne et L’Anarchie, Paris: P. V. Stock et Cie.

Revised and Expanded French edition. Includes La Science Moderne et L’Anarchie, Communisme et Anarchie, L’État: son rôle historique, L’État Moderne and Herbert Spencer: sa Philosophie.


Fields, Factories and Workshops: or, Industry combined with agriculture and brain work with manual work, New York: Putum’s

Revised edition. Reprinted in 1919 by T. Nelson and Sons, London. Reprinted with a new introduction by Yaacov Oved by New Brunswick, N.J: Transaction Publishers, 1992


Etika, Petrograd-Moscow: Golos Truda

Translation: Ethics: Origin and Development. London: George G. Harrap & Co., Ltd.. 1924


Fields, Factories and Workshops Tomorrow, London, Hutchinson & Co., 1899, edited, introduced and with additional material by Colin Ward, London, Allen & Unwin

Abridged version of Fields, Factories and Workshops. Reprinted by Freedom Press in 1986


This is a list of Kropotkin’s most significant pamphlets issued during his lifetime. It does not attempt to list all the many translations of these works.





Pugachev ili bunt 1773 goda, Geneva.



Le Procès de Solovieff (La Vie d’un Socialiste Russe), Geneva: Imprimerie Jurassienne



Idée anarchiste au point de vue de sa réalisation pratique, Geneva: Imprimerie Jurassienne



Aux Jeunes Gens, Geneva: Le Révolté

Appeal to the Young, trans. H.M. Hyndman, London: The Modern Press, 1885. Included in Revolutionary Pamphlets.


La Vérité sur les Exécutions en Russie, suivie d’une Esquisse biographique sur Sophie Perovskaia, Geneva: Imprimerie Jurassienne



La Guerre, Geneva: Le Révolté.

Translation: War! London : International Publishing Co., 1886. Included in Words of a Rebel.


Law and Authority, London: Freedom Press

Translation of “La Loi Et l’Authorité”, Le Révolté, May 31-August 19, 1882.

Included in Revolutionary Pamphlets


L’Anarchie dans l’Evolution Socialiste, Paris: Le Révolté.

Translation: The Place of Anarchism in Socialistic Evolution. Address delivered in Paris, London: William Reeves, 1887


La Salariat, Paris: Le Révolté.

Translation: The Wages System, Freedom Pamphlets No. 1, London: Freedom Press


Les Prisons, Paris: Le Révolté.

Revised for In Russian and French Prisons.


The Commune of Paris, Freedom Pamphlets No. 2, London: Freedom Press



Anarchist Communism: Its Basis and Principles, Freedom Pamphlets No. 4, London

Included in Revolutionary Pamphlets.


La morale anarchiste, Paris

Translation: Anarchist Morality, Freedom Pamphlets No. 6, London: Freedom Press, 1892. Mother Earth, November and December 1916, January, February and March 1917. Included in Revolutionary Pamphlets


Revolutionary Studies, London: Office of the “Commonwealth”



Revolutionary Government, London: Office of the “Commonwealth”

Reprinted in 1923 by Freedom press, London. Included in Revolutionary Pamphlets.


“L’agriculture” Paris: Au bureau de La Révolte



Un Siècle d’attente, 1789-1889, Paris: Bureau de La Révolte

Revision of “1789-1889”, La Révolte, January 13 to March 24, 1889


“L’agriculture”, Paris: Au bureau de La Révolte

Translation: Agriculture, London: Liberty Press, 1896. Chapter of Conquest of Bread


Les Temps Nouveaux (conference faite à Londres), Paris: Au bureau de La Révolte

Originally published as “Une conférence sur l’anarchie”, La Révolte, March 18 to September 2


Expropriation, Freedom Pamphlets No. 7, London

Included in Selected Writings on Anarchism and Revolution.


The Commune of Paris, London: W. Reeves


Included in Selected Writings on Anarchism and Revolution.


An Appeal to the Young London: W. Reeves



L’anarchie: sa philosophie, son ideal, Paris: En vente a la Libr. sociale

Anarchism: Its Philosophy and Ideal, Freedom Pamphlets No. 10, London: Freedom Press, 1897. Serialised in Freedom. Included in Revolutionary Pamphlets.


L’Inévitable anarchie, Bruxelles: Bibliothèque des Temps nouveaux



La Grande Grève des Docks (with John Burns), Paris: Bibliothèque des Temps nouveaux



The State: Its Historic Roles, Freedom Pamphlets No. 11, London: Freedom Press

“The State: Its Historic Role”, Freedom, May 1897 to June 1898. Included in Selected Writings on Anarchism and Revolution.


L’Organisation de la Vindicte appelée Justice, Paris: Temps Nouveax

Translation: Organised Vengeance called ‘Justice’, Freedom Library, London


The Development of Trade Unionism. Free Commune pamphlets no. 2. Leeds.



Zapiski revolutsionera,  London



Socialism and Politics, Freedom Pamphlets No. 14, London



Communisme et anarchie, Publications des Temps Nouveaux No. 27, Paris



The Coming Revival of Socialism, Freedom Pamphlets No. 15, London



Russkaia revoliutsiia, Geneva



Buntovskii duhk, Geneva



Der Anarchismus in Russland, Berlin



L’Etat: son rôle historique, Paris: Publications des “Temps Nouveaux”



Russkaia revoliutsiia i anarkhizm, edited by P. A. Kropotkin. London

A series of articles by Russian Anarchists on the 1905 Russian Revolution. It includes “Zakliucheniia sezda – Doklady”, “Revoliutsiia politicheskaia i konomicheskaia” and “Nashe otnoshenie k krestianskim i rabochim soiuzam” by Kropotkin


Parizhskaya Kommuna

Articles on the Paris Commune written for Listki “Khleb i Volya”


La Guerre, Publications des Temps Nouveaux, No. 59, Paris

Extract from La Science Moderne et l’Anarchie


L’Idée révolutionnaire dans la Révolution, Publications des Temps Nouveaux, No. 64, Paris

A reprint of the first half of Etude sur La Révolution


La révolution sera-t-elle collectiviste?, Publications des Temps Nouveaux No. 66, Paris



Le Principe Anarchiste, Publications des Temps Nouveaux, No. 67, Paris



L’Action anarchiste dans la révolution, Publications des Temps Nouveaux, No. 72, Paris

A reprint of the second half of Etude sur La Révolution


Wars and Capitalism, Freedom Pamphlets, London



Spravedlivost’ i nravstvennost, Petersberg-Moscow: Golos Truda

Justice and Morality


The State: Its Historic Role, London: Freedom Press

New Translation.


Anarchism and Anarchist-Communism, London: Freedom Press

Combination of the “Anarchism” from The Encyclopaedia Britannica and Anarchist Communism: Its Basis and Principles. Introduction by Colin Ward.


The State: Its Historic Role, London: Freedom Press

Revised version of the 1969 translation. Introduction by Vernon Richards.


This lists all anthologies that contain only works by Kropotkin. All decent anthologies of anarchism contain extracts by Kropotkin but space precludes listing these as well.





Kropotkin’s Revolutionary Pamphlets[2], introduced by N. Baldwin, New York: Vanguard Press.

Reprinted as Kropotkin’s Revolutionary Pamphlets, New York, Dover, 1970.


Kropotkin: Selections from his Writings, Edited with an Introduction by Herbert Read, London: Freedom Press.

This contains short extracts from most of Kropotkin’s books.


Fighting the Revolution II,[3] London: Freedom Press

Reprinted in 1985.


The Essential Kropotkin[4], Edited by Emile Capouya and Keitha Tompkins, New York: Liveright



Act For Yourselves: articles from Freedom 1886-1907, Edited by Nicolas Walter & Heiner Becker, London: Freedom Press



Fugitive Writings,[5] Montreal; New York: Black Rose Books



Evolution and Environment,[6] Montreal; New York: Black Rose Books



The Conquest of Bread and Other Writings,[7] ed. M. Shatz. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.



Anarchism: A Collection of Revolutionary Writings, Dover Press

Renaming of Revolutionary Pamphlets, New York: Dover Press 1970

An incomplete listing of articles by Kropotkin

This is a comprehensive, but incomplete, listing of articles by Kropotkin along with letters, prefaces, introductions and postscripts added to new editions of his works. It does not include all the articles in concluded in Conquest of Bread nor the many articles produced for the Russian papers Khleb i Volya (1903-5, 1909) and Listki “Khleb i Volya” (1906-7).[4]





“Dolzhnyi-li my zaniat’sia rassmotreniem ideala budushchego stroia?” Published originally in abridged form in Byloe, no. 17 (1921), and in complete form for the first time in B. S. Itenberg, ed., Revoliutsionnoe narodnichestvo. Moscow: Nauka, 1964. 1:55-118.

“Must We Occupy Ourselves with an Examination of the Ideal of a Future System” in Selected Writings on Anarchism and Revolution


“Research on the Ice age”, Notices of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society



“A propos de la question d’Orient”, Bulletin de la Fèdèration Jurassienne de l’Association Internationale des Travailleurs, September 24.



“Nouvelles de l’extérieur: Russie”, Bulletin de la Fèdèration Jurassienne de l’Association Internationale des Travailleurs, April 15, May 6, 13, June 10, September 2, December 2, 23.



[Untitled article on 8-hour day in USA], Bulletin de la Fèdèration Jurassienne de l’Association Internationale des Travailleurs, June 10.



“Les Trades Unions”, Bulletin de la Fèdèration Jurassienne de l’Association Internationale des Travailleurs, May 27; June 17, 24; July 17.



[Untitled article on war in the Orient], Bulletin de la Fèdèration Jurassienne de l’Association Internationale des Travailleurs,  June 17, 24.



[Untitled article on socialist deviationism], Bulletin de la Fèdèration Jurassienne de l’Association Internationale des Travailleurs, July 22, 29.



“Affaires d’Amérique”, Bulletin de la Fèdèration Jurassienne de l’Association Internationale des

Travailleurs, August 5.



“Bulletin international”, L’Avant-Garde. (On Pittsburgh strikes).



“Le Vorwärts et le peuple russse”, Bulletin de la Fèdèration Jurassienne de l’Association Internationale des Travailleurs, August 12.



“La Situation”, Le Révolté, March 3.

Included in Words of a Rebel


“La Décomposition des Etats”,  Le Révolté, April 5

Included in Words of a Rebel


Speech at Jura Federation Conference, Le Révolté, October 18

As part of a report on the Conference. Kropotkin used the pseudonym of Levashóv. Translated in “Kropotkin: Two Early Speeches”, Freedom (Vol. 28, No. 19), 24th June 1967.


“Idée anarchiste au point de vue de sa réalisation pratique.” Le Révolté, November 1

Translation: “The Anarchist Idea from the Point Of View of its Practical Realisation”, Freedom, 25th February, 1967. Included in No Gods, No Masters.


Letter, La Plebe, November 16



“L’Année 1879”, Le Révolté, January 10



“La Prochaine Revolution”, Le Révolté February 7

Included in Words of a Rebel


“Le Gouvernement représentatif”, Le Révolté, March 6.

Translation: “Representative Government”, The Commonweal, May 7 to July 9, 1892. Included in Words of a Rebel.


“La Commune de Paris.” Le Révolté, March 20.

In Mother Earth, May 1912. Merged with articles from 1881 and 1882 for the chapter “The Paris Commune” in Words of a Rebel.


“Les Pendaisons en Russie”, Le Révolté .



“La Commune”, Le Révolté, April 3.

Included in Words of a Rebel. Included in No Gods, No Masters.


“Aux Jeunes Gens”, Le Révolté, June 25; July 10; August 7, 21.

Included in Words of a Rebel. Included in Revolutionary Pamphlets.


“La Question agraire”, Le Révolté, September 18vto February 19, 1881

Included in Words of a Rebel


Speech at Jura Federation Conference, Le Révolté, October 17

As part of a report on the Conference. Translation: “Kropotkin: Two Early Speeches”, Freedom, 24th of June 1967.


“Les Élections”, Le Révolté, December 25.



“L’Année 1880”, Le Révolté, January 8.



“Les Ennemis du peuple”, Le Révolté, February 5.



“La Nécessitv de la Révolution”, Le Révolté, March 5

Included in Words of a Rebel.


“La Commune de Paris”, Le Révolté, March 18.

Merged with articles from 1880 and 1882 for the chapter “The Paris Commune” in Words of a Rebel.


“La Situation en Russie”, Le Révolté, March 18.



“L’Espirit de Révolté.” Le Révolté, May 14 , May 28, June 25 and July 9

Translation: “The Spirit of Revolt”, Commonweal, March 19 to April 16, 1892. Included in Words of a Rebel. Included in Revolutionary Pamphlets.


“Tous socialistes”, Le Révolté, September 17.

Included in Words of a Rebel


“L’Ordre” Le Révolté October 1.

Included in Words of a Rebel


probably “La Ligue des Trades Unions”, Le Révolté October 1.



“Le Mouvement Ouvrièr en Espagne”, Le Révolté, November 12



“Les Minorités révolutionnaires”, Le Révolté, November 26

Included in Words of a Rebel


“L’Organisation ouvrière”, Le Révolté, December 10 and December 24



“Russian Prisons”, The Nineteenth Century, January



“Russian Administration” , The Newcastle Chronicle, 18 January



“The Russian Peasantry”, The Newcastle Chronicle, 7 February 1882



“Russian Liberals on the Situation”, The Newcastle Chronicle, 7 February



“The London Jews’ Meeting: Prince Kropotkin’s Speech” , The Newcastle Chronicle, 9 February



“Les Droits politiques”, Le Révolté, February 18

Included in Words of a Rebel


“Théorie et pratique”, Le Révolté, March 4



“L’Anniversaire du 18 mars”, Le Révolté, April 1

Merged with articles from 1880 and 1881 for the chapter “The Paris Commune” in Words of a Rebel.


[Charles Darwin Obituary], Le Révolté, April 29



“La Loi de l’autorité”, Le Révolté, May 31 to August 19

Included in Words of a Rebel


Letter to the Jura Federation, Le Révolté, July 8



“Le Gouvernement pendant la révolution”, Le Révolté, September 9, September 16 and October 14

Translation: “Revolutionary Government”, The Commonweal, December 19 1891 to February 6, 1892. Included in Words of a Rebel as “Revolutionary Government.” Included in Revolutionary Pamphlets.


“The Russian Revolutionary Party”, The Newcastle Chronicle, October 12

Revised and expanded the same year for Fortnightly Review.


“Les Préludes de la révolution”, Le Révolté, October 28.



“L’Expropriation”,  Le Révolté, November 25 and December 23

Included in Words of a Rebel. A revised and expanded brochure edition appeared in English in 1886


“La Situation en France”, Le Révolté, December 9



“The Russian Revolutionary Party”, Fortnightly Review.

Included in Selected Writings on Anarchism and Revolution


“Déclaration des anarchistes accusés devant le tribunal correctional de Lyon”,  Le Révolté, January 20 to February 3

Translation: “Kropotin – The Lyon Trial”, Freedom (Vol. 28, No. 13), 29th April, 1967.


“Russian Prisons”, The Nineteenth Century, January



“The Fortress Prison of St Petersburg”, The Nineteenth Century, June



“Outcast Russia”, The Nineteenth Century, December



“Exile in Siberia”, The Nineteenth Century, March



Letter from prison, Le Matin, July 16



“Finland: a Rising Nationality”, The Nineteenth Century. March



“The Coming War”, The Nineteenth Century, May



“What Geography Ought to Be”, The Nineteenth Century, December



“L’Expropriation”, Le Révolté, February 14



“In French Prisons”, The Nineteenth Century, March



“L’Anarchie dans L’Evolution socialiste”, Le Révolté, March 28 to May 9, 1886

Translation: The Place of Anarchism in Socialistic Evolution. (1887)


“Comment on s’enrichit”, Le Révolté, May 29 to July 3



“La Pratique de l’expropriation”, Le Révolté, July 10



“Le Logement”, Le Révolté, July 24 to August 7

Included in The Conquest of Bread.


“Les Prisons”, Le Révolté, August 4 to August 21

Issued as a pamphlet and then revised for In Russian and French Prisons.


“The Coming Anarchy”, The Nineteenth Century, August

Revised as the first section of the pamphlet Anarchist Communism: Its Basis and Principles.


“La Guerre sociale”,  Le Révolté, September 11



“Du pain, faut du pain!”, Le Révolté, September 11



“Les Ateliers nationaux”, Le Révolté, September 25



“Les Denrées”, Le Révolté, October 2 to November 27

Included in The Conquest of Bread.


“The Coming Revolution”, Freedom, October

Included in Act for Yourselves


“What Revolution Means”, Freedom, November

Included in Act for Yourselves


“Le Vétement”, Le Révolté, December 25

Included in The Conquest of Bread.


“What Must We Do?”, Freedom, December

Included in Act for Yourselves


“Que Faire”, La Révolte, January 8



“Les Besoins scientifiques”, Le Révolté, January 29 to February 12



“Act for Yourselves”, Freedom, January

Included in Act for Yourselves


“Parliamentary Rule”, Freedom, February

Included in Act for Yourselves


“The Scientific Basis of Anarchy”, The Nineteenth Century, February

Revised as the second section of the pamphlet Anarchist Communism: Its Basis and Principles


“La Libre Entente”, Le Révolté, April 2 to July 23

Included in The Conquest of Bread.


“The Paris Commune”, Freedom, April



“Local Action”, Freedom, May

Included in Act for Yourselves


“The End Set Before Us”, Freedom, June

Included in Act for Yourselves


“Productione et Consummation”, Le Révolté, July 2

Included in The Conquest of Bread.


“Practical Question”, Freedom, July

Included in Act for Yourselves


“The First Work of the Revolution”, Freedom, August

Included in Act for Yourselves


“The Necessity of Communism”, Freedom, September

Included in Act for Yourselves


“Rocks Ahead”, Freedom, December

Included in Act for Yourselves


“Influence morale des prisons sur les prisonniers”, La Révolte, December 24 to June 16 1888



“Communist-Anarchism”, Freedom, April

Included in Act for Yourselves


“The Breakdown of Our Industrial System”, Nineteenth Century, April

Included in Fields, Factories and Workshops


“A General View”, Freedom, May

Included in Act for Yourselves


“Are We Good Enough?”, Freedom, June

Included in Act for Yourselves


“The Coming Reign of Plenty”, The Nineteenth Century, June

Included in Fields, Factories and Workshops


“Communism and the Wage System”, Freedom, August and September

Included in Act for Yourselves


“Le Salariat”, La Révolte, August 26 to September 30

Included in The Conquest of Bread.


“The Industrial Village of The Future”, The Nineteenth Century, October

Included in Fields, Factories and Workshops


“Before the Storm”, Freedom, December



“1789-1889”, La Révolte, January 13 to March 24



“La Division du Travail”, La Révolte, April 21

Included in The Conquest of Bread.


“Past and Future”, Freedom, April



“Le Commerce extérieur et la Misére à l’Intérieur”, La Révolte, May 5 to June 15

Included in The Conquest of Bread ( as the basis of the chapter “The Decentralisation of Industry”)


“The Great French Revolution and its Lesson”, The Nineteenth Century, June



“Le centenaire de la révolution”, La Révolte, June 30 to September 21



“Ce que c’est qu’une gréve”, La Révolte, September 7



“Le Vingtiéme Siécle”, La Révolte, November 30 to December 28



“L’Agriculture”, La Révolte, December 12 to February 14, 1891

Included in The Conquest of Bread.



“Le Travail agréable”, La Révolte, February 1

Included in The Conquest of Bread.


“Brain Work and Manual Work,” The Nineteenth Century, March

Edited version in Mother Earth, June 1906. Included in Fields, Factories and Workshops


“La morale anarchiste au point de vue de sa réalisation pratique”, Le Révolté. March 1 to April 16

Translation: “Anarchist Morality”, Freedom, October 1891 to July 1892. Included in La Morale Anarchiste


“The Use of the Strike”, Freedom, April



“L’Action des masses et l’individu”, La Révolte, May 24



“Nos richesses”, La Révolte, July 26 to August 31

Included in The Conquest of Bread.


“L’Aisance pour tous”, ”, La Révolte, September 6 to September 20

Included in The Conquest of Bread.


“Le Mouvement ouvrier en Angleterre”, La Révolte, September 13



“Les Gréves”, La Révolte, September 27



“Mutual Aid Among Animals, 1”, The Nineteenth Century, September

Included in Mutual Aid: A Factor in Evolution


“The Permanence of Society After the Revolution”, Freedom, October

Included in Act for Yourselves


“Allez-vous en”, La Révolte, October 4



“Le Communisme anarchiste”, La Révolte, October 11 to November `5

Included in The Conquest of Bread.


“Le Premier Mai 1891”, La Révolte, October 18



“Le Premier Mai”, La Révolte, November 1



“Mutual Aid Among Animals, 2”, The Nineteenth Century, November

Included in Mutual Aid: A Factor in Evolution


“Encore la morale”, La Révolté, December 5 to December 19

Included in La Morale Anarchiste


“L’Agriculture”, La Révolte, December 12 to February 14 1891

Included in The Conquest of Bread.


“Les Gréves anglaises”, La Révolte, February 21 and March 18



“Le Capital de la Révolution”, La Révolte, March 7



“Commune of Paris”,  Freedom, April



“L’Entente”, La Révolte, April 11



“Mutual Aid Among Savages”, The Nineteenth Century, April

Included in Mutual Aid: A Factor in Evolution


“Intensive Agriculture”, The Forum, June

Included in Fields, Factories and Workshops


“Domestic Slavery”, Freedom, July

An extract from The Conquest of Bread.


“Etude sur la Révolution”, Le Révolté, July 10 to November 7, 1891

Translation:  “Revolutionary Studies.” Commonweal, December 19 1891 to February 6 1892. Published as a pamphlet.


“Message to delegates at the meeting of British and French Trade Unionists”, Freedom, September



“La Mort de la nouvelle Internationale”, La Révolte October 17



“Peter Kropotkin on the 4th Anniversary of the Chicago Martyrs”, Freedom, December



“Mutual Aid Among Savages”, The Nineteenth Century, December

Included in Mutual Aid: A Factor in Evolution


“Mutual Aid Among Barbarians”, The Nineteenth Century, January

Included in Mutual Aid: A Factor in Evolution


“Affaire de Chambles”, La Révolte, January 16



“Le Terrorisme”, La Révolte, April 23



“Recent Science”, The Nineteenth Century, May



“Question de Terrorisme”, La Révolte, May 24



“Explication”, La Révolte, June 18



“Recent Science”, The Nineteenth Century, August



“L’Utopie Gouvérnementale”, Le Révolté, November 11 to January 21 1893



“Recent Science”, The Nineteenth Century, December



“Commemoration of the Chicago Martyrs”, Freedom, December



Letter, Journal de Bruxelles, January 6



“La Mort de la nouvelle Internationale”, Journal de Bruxelles, January 16



“Advice to Those About to Emigrate.” Freedom, March



“Une conférence sur l’anarchie”, La Révolte, March 18 to September 2

Published as the pamphlet Les Temps Nouveaux.


Speech on Anarchism at Grafton Hall. Freedom, April



“On the Teaching of Physiography.” Geographic Journal, Vol. 2, No. 4, October



“Les Principes dans la révolution”, La Révolte, December 17



“Mutual Aid In the Mediæval City”, The Nineteenth Century, August

Included in Mutual Aid: A Factor in Evolution


“Mutual Aid In the Mediæval City,” The Nineteenth Century, September

Included in Mutual Aid: A Factor in Evolution


“The New Era”, Solidarity (New York), January to April

Unfinished translation of  the 1894 pamphlet Les Temps Nouveaux


“Proposed Communist Settlement: A New Colony for Tyneside or Wearside”, The Newcastle Daily Chronicle, February 20



“L’effet des persecutions”, Les Temps Nouveaux, 4 May



“Un temps d’arrêt”, Les Temps Nouveaux, 25 May



“Les petits expedients”, Les Temps Nouveaux, 15 June



“Les Expédients économiques”, Les Temps Nouveaux, July 13



“Coopération et socialisme”, Les Temps Nouveaux, July 27



“Le Congrés Ouvrier de 1896”, Les Temps Nouveaux, August 3



“L’arrêt et l’issue”, Les Temps Nouveaux, September 7



“The Present Condition in Russia.” The Nineteenth Century, September



“The New Era”, The Rebel (Boston), September, October, December, January, March/April 1896

Unfinished translation of  the 1894 pamphlet Les Temps Nouveaux


“Mutual Aid Amongst Modern Men.” The Nineteenth Century, January

Included in Mutual Aid: A Factor in Evolution


“Recent Science”, The Nineteenth Century, March



“Mutual Aid Amongst Ourselves,” The Nineteenth Century, June

Included in Mutual Aid: A Factor in Evolution


Report of Speech, Freedom, August-September



“Les Congrès internationaux”, Les Temps Nouveaux, 15 August to October 10



“L’Etat: son rôle historique”, Les Temps Nouveaux, 19 December 1896 to 3 July 1897

Translation: “The State: Its Historic Role”, Freedom, May 1897 to June 1898


“In Memory of William Morris”, Freedom, November



“Co-operation: A reply to Herbert Spencer”, Freedom, December 1896 and January 1897



“What man can get from the land”, Co-Operative Wholesale Society Annual for 1897, U.K.



“La Dernière Guerre”, Les Temps Nouveaux, June 12



“The population of Russia”, The Geographical Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2, August



“La Tuerie de Hazelton”, Les Temps Nouveaux, October 9



“On the Present Condition of Russia,” The Outlook 58, no. 2, January 8



“The Development of Trades Unionism”, Freedom, March



“Some of the Resources of Canada.” The Nineteenth Century, March



“1848-1871”, Freedom, April



“Edward Bellamy,” Freedom, July



“Proposal for an Expedition to Sannikoff Land – Translator’s note”, The Geographical Journal, Vol. 12, No. 2, August



“The old beds of the Amu-Daria”, The Geographical Journal, Vol. 12, No. 3, September



“Autobiography of a Revolutionist”, Atlantic Monthly, September 1898 to September 1899.

Published in book form as Memoirs of a Revolutionist.


“The Geneva Tragedy”, Freedom, October



“The Eleventh of November”, Freedom, December



“Césarisme”, Les Temps Nouveaux, December 3 1898 to January 21 1899

Translation: “Caesarism”, Freedom, April, May, June 1899


“Les Panamistes du Patriotisme”, Les Temps Nouveaux, January 28



“L’Alliance franco-russe”, Les temps Nouveaux, 11 February, 18 February, 25 February



“British Workers and the War”, Freedom, March-April



“Baron Toll on New Siberia and the Circumpolar Tertiary Flora.” The Geographical Journal, Vol. 16, No. 1, July



“The Small Industries of Britain”, The Nineteenth Century, August

Included in Fields, Factories and Workshops


“Communisme et anarchie.” Les Temps Nouveaux, supplément littéraire, no. 23

Translation: “Communism and Anarchy”, Freedom, July and August 1901.


“Russia and the student riots”, The Outlook, no 14, April



“The Present Crisis in Russia”, The North American Review, Vol. 172, No. 534, May



“Report on Kropotkin’s speech in Trafalgar Square”, Freedom, July



“Communism and Anarchy.” Freedom, July and August



“Integral Education”, Freedom, September



“La Réaction dans l’Internationale”, Les Temps Nouveaux, September 14



“L’Organisation de la Vindicte Appelée Justice”, Les Temps Nouveaux supplément littéraire, 26

Translation: “Organised Vengeance Called ‘Justice’”, Freedom, October


“Russian Schools and the Holy Synod,” North American Review Vol 174, No 454, April



“One War Over – When is the Next?”, Freedom, June



“Municipal Socialism”, Freedom, December

Included in Act for Yourselves


“The ethical needs of the present day”, The Nineteenth Century, vol.  LVI



“Politics and Socialism”, Freedom, February-May

Later issued as a pamphlet


“The Czar’s Manifesto”, Freedom, April



“Las Guerres obreras”, La Huelga General, May 5



“L’Ideal anarchiste de la révolutions pécédentes”, Les Temps Nouveaux, 11 July



“The Coming Revival of Socialism”, Freedom, August-November 1903 and February-March 1904

Later issued as a pamphlet


Mr. Mackinder; Mr. Ravenstein; Dr. Herbertson; Prince Kropotkin; Mr. Andrews; Cobden Sanderson; Elisée Reclus, “On Spherical Maps and Reliefs: Discussion”, The Geographical Journal, Vol. 22, No. 3, September



“Les Anarchistes et la grande révolution”, Les Temps Nouveaux, 3 October and 31 October

Translation: “Anarchists in the French Revolution”, Freedom, December 1903 and January 1904


“The desiccation of Eur-Asia”, Geographical Journal, vol. 23



“Propaganda faktami”, Khleb i volia, no. 6, January



“Comment fut fondé Le Révolté”, Les Temps Nouveaux, February 20



“The orography of Asia”,  The Geographical Journal, February-March



“Herbert Spencer”, Freedom, February to September



“La Guerre russo-japonaise”, Les Temps Nouveaux, March 5



Preface to Italian edition of Words of a Rebel, May



“Baron Toll”, The Geographical Journal, Vol. 23, No. 6, June



“The Ethical Need of the Present Day”, The Nineteenth Century, August.

This was later republished as Chapters I and II of Ethics.


“Maxím Górk,” The Independent, Vol. 57, No. 2924, December 15



“The Constitutional Agitation in Russia,” The Nineteenth Century and After, January



“The Morality of Nature”, The Nineteenth Century, March

This was later republished as Chapter III of Ethics.


“Bakunin”, Freedom, June/July

Written for the Bakunin anniversary number of the Yiddish Workers’ Friend. Probably also “Bakunin,” Khleb i volia, July, nos.19-20, 1905


“Elisée Reclus”, Les Temps Nouveaux, July 15

Translation: “Elisée Reclus”, Freedom, August, 1905 and “Elisée Reclus”, The Geographical Journal, September, 1905


“Le Syndicat Russe”, [Probably Khleb i volia], August-September



Letter, Le Temps, October 31

Also published in Les Temps Nouveaux, November 4, 1905


“The Revolution in Russia”, Freedom, November/December



“Anti-Militarisme et Révolution”, Les Temps Nouveaux, December 3 and November 4



“The Revolution in Russia”, The Nineteenth Century and After, December



“The Revolution in Russia,” Mother Earth, July



“Syndicalisme et parlementairisme”, Les Temps Nouveaux, October 13



“Revoliutsiia politicheskaia i konomicheskaia”, Listki “Khleb i volia”, October 30

Reprinted in P. A. Kropotkion, Russkaia revoliutsiia i anarkhizm. London, 1907


“Nashe otnoshenie k kret’ianskim i rabochim soiuzam”, Listki “Khleb i volia”, November

Reprinted in P. A. Kropotkion, Russkaia revoliutsiia i anarkhizm. London, 1907


Preface to Second Edition of Memoirs of a Revolutionist, November



Letter to The Voice of Labour, February 9



“Les Anarchistes et les Syndicates”, Les Temps Nouveaux, May 25

Translation: “Anarchists and Trade Unions”, Freedom, June


“Assez d’Illusion”, Les Temps Nouveaux, July

Translation: “Enough of Illusions!”, Freedom, August, 1907. Alternative translation appeared in  Mother Earth, September 1907


Preface to Gogeliia, Kak i iz chego razvilsiia revoliutsionnyi sindikalizm, August.



“1886-1907: Glimpses into the Labour Movement in this Country”, Freedom, October



Preface to Bakunin, Le Commune de Paris at la notion du l’état.



“The Causes of so-called Industrial Idleness”, Craftsman, March



“The Reformed School”, Freedom, June

Reprinted: “The Reformed School,” Mother Earth, August


“Une Révision qui s’impose”, Les Temps Nouveaux, 1 August



“Present Condition of Russia”, Freedom, July



“L’Anarchie et ses moyene de lutte l’internationale”, Les Temps Nouveaux, August 21



“Oeuvre réactionnaire de la démocratie sociale,” Les Temps Nouveaux, 4 September



Preface, K. Orgeiani, Kak I iz chego razvilsiia revoliutsionnyi sindikalizm, (n.p.: Izdanie gruppy anarkhistov-kommunistov)



Preface, French Gardening, T. Smith, London: Utopia Press



“Anarchism”, The Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edition[5]



“The Theory of Evolution and Mutual Aid,” The Nineteenth Century and After, January



“La Période de réaction depuis 1871”, Les temps Nouveaux, January 8



“L’Extension des idées radical-socialistes”, Les Temps Nouveaux, 5 February



“The English Elections”, Freedom, April



“La Bourgeoisie et le socialisme parlementaire”, Les Temps Nouveaux, 23 July



“The Direct Action of Environment on Plants,” The Nineteenth Century and After, July



“Insurrection et révolution”, Les Temps Nouveaux, August 6



“Tolstoi”, Utro Rossii, November 21



“The Response of the Animals to Their Environment” Part 1, The Nineteenth Century and After, November



“The Response of the Animals to Their Environment” Part 2, The Nineteenth Century and After, December



Preface to Syndicalism and the Co-operative Commonwealth by Emile Pataud and Emile Pouget



“The Present Condition of Russia”, Mother Earth, August



“The Inheritance of Acquired Characters: Theoretical Difficulties”, The Nineteenth Century and After, March



“Le Massacre russe”, Les Temps Nouveaux, 18 May

Translation: “An Appeal to the American and British Workmen,” Freedom and Mother Earth, June, 1912


“Le Dévelopment des idées anarchistes”, Encyclopédie du mouvement syndicaliste, No. 5, May



“Anarchism and Syndicalism”, Freedom, August and September



“Sterilisation of the Unfit”, Freedom, October

Also appeared in Mother Earth, December 1912


Letter, Freedom, January



“A Greeting,” Mother Earth, January



“Modern Wars and Capitalism”, Freedom, May to August.

Later issued as a pamphlet by Freedom Press in 1914. Republished as “Wars and Capitalism,” Mother Earth,  November 1914 to March 1915


“La Croisade la science de M. Bergson,” Les Temps Nouveaux, October 25



“Prisons: Universities of Crime”, Mother Earth, October



“The Modern State”, Freedom, November and December 1913, January to April 1914, June 1914 and September 1914

Series not finished.


Preface to 1913 edition of Conquest of Bread.



“The Coming War”, The Nineteenth Century



“A Few Thought about the Essence of Anarchism”, Freedom, January.



“Letter to the Bakunin Centenary Celebration”, Freedom, June



“Mutual Aid: An Important Factor in Evolution”,  Mother Earth, June



“A Letter on the present war”, Freedom, October.

Also appeared as “Kropotkin on the Present War”, Mother Earth, November 1914


Inherited Variation in Plants,” The Nineteenth Century, October



“Anti-militarism: Was it Properly Understood?”, Freedom, November



“Inherited Variation in Animals,” The Nineteenth Century, November



Preface to 1914 edition of Mutual Aid



La Nouvelle Internationale . Paris.



“Kropotkin’s Farewell Letter”, Freedom, July



“Peter Kropotkin’s Speech”, delivered to the Moscow National Conference of 1917, The Birth of the Russian Democracy, Russian Information Bureau, New York: A.J. Sack



“Ideal v revoliutsii,” Byloe, no. 17.



“Direct Action of Environment and Evolution”, The Nineteenth Century, January



Postscript to the Russian translation of Words of a Rebel, December.

Translated in part in Anarchism: A Collection of Revolutionary Pamphlets


“Letter to the Workers of the West”, Labour Leader, July 22

Reprinted as “Kropotkin says, Stop the War!”, Freedom, August 1920


Introduction, J. Guillaume, Internatsional, Moscow-Petrograd



“Chto delat’?” Rabochii put’. Berlin: no. 5. (July)

Re-published in G. Maksimov, ed., P. A. Kropotkin I ego uchenie. Chicago: Federatsiia Russkikh Anar-komm. Grupp. 1931


“Federation as a Means to Unity”, speech delivered on January 7, 1918, to the Federalist League. “Federatsiia-Kak put’k ob’edineniiu”, Golos Minuvshago, 1

Translation: “Peter Kropotkin on Man and Society”, Centennial Expressions on Peter Kropotkin, S. Alexander, L.A., Calif., Rocker Pubs. Com., 1942.


“Here is My Opinion”, Freedom, January

Originally published in Road to Freedom in 1925. An edited version is included in Revolutionary Pamphlets under the title “What to do?”

End Notes

[1] This contains the following pamphlets: Must We Occupy Ourselves with an Examination of the Ideal of a Future System?; Anarchist Communism: Its Basis and Principles; Anarchism: Its Philosophy and Idea; Anarchist Morality; and The State: Its Historic Role.

[2] This includes: The Spirit of Revolt; Anarchist Communism: Its Basis and Principles; Anarchist Morality; Anarchism: Its Philosophy and Ideal; Modern Science and Anarchism (abridged); Law and Authority; Prisons and their Moral Influence on Prisoners; Revolutionary Government, The Russian Revolution and the Soviet Government (being: “Letter to the Workers of Western Europe” and “What to Do?”); An Appeal to the Young; and “Anarchism” (from Encyclopaedia Britannica).

[3] Includes a revised translation of “The Commune of Paris”, “Politics and Socialism” as well as “On Order” and “The Situation” from Words of a Rebel and extracts from “Must We Occupy Ourselves with an Examination of the Ideal of a Future System.”

[4] This includes the pamphlets: The Spirit of Revolt; An Appeal to the Young; Law and Authority; Prisons and their Moral Influence on Prisoners; Modern Science and Anarchism (abridged); The Wage System; and “Anarchism” (from Encyclopaedia Britannica). It also has selections from the books: Memoirs of a Revolutionist; Mutual Aid; The Great French Revolution; The Conquest of Bread; and Fields, Factories and Workshops.

[5] This contains the following pamphlets: Must We Occupy Ourselves with an Examination of the Ideal of a Future System?; Anarchist Communism: Its Basis and Principles; Anarchism: Its Philosophy and Idea; Anarchist Morality; and The State: Its Historic Role.

[6] Includes Modern Science and Anarchism along which various articles on evolutionary theory from the Nineteenth Century and After.

[7] The “other writings” are: “Western Europe” (newly translated from the Russian edition of Memoirs of a Revolutionist), “Anarchism” (from The Encyclopaedia Britannica), “Message to the Workers of the Western World”, Two Letters to Lenin and “What is to be done?”

[8] Bread and Freedom and Leaflets fromBread and Freedom” (respectively). Kropotkin’s articles are listed by M. Korn, “P. A. Kropotkin i russkoe revoliutsionnoe dvizhenie” in G.P. Maksimov (ed.), P. A. Kropotkin i ego uchenie, Chicago: Federatsiia Russkikh Anar-Komm, 1931

[9] The other articles in the Encyclopædia Britannica by Kropotkin are: “Aral”, “Astrakhan (town)”, “Baku (town)”, “Bulgaria, Eastern”, “Cossacks”, “Crimea”, “Daghestan”, “Lithuanians and Letts”, “Poltava” “Pskov”; with John Thomas Bealby: “Altai”, “Baikal”, “Caucasus”, “Dnieper”, “Dniester”, “Don (Russia)”, “Don Cossacks, Territory of the”, “Dvina”, “Echmiadzin”, “Ferghana”, “Radom (government)”, “Tambov (government)”; with John Thomas Bealby and Charles Norton Edgcumbe Eliot: “Esthonia”; with Joseph R. Fisher and John Scott Keltie: “Finland”

2 replies on “An incomplete Kropotkin Bibliography”

He was prolific, to say the
He was prolific, to say the least. Making my way through Memoirs of a Revolutionist right now. I must say that he has great insights, writes well, and represents through his life and self-activity (mostly, except for a few notable big transgressions like on WWI) an inspirational figure whose writings deserve a place on every socialists’ bookshelf. Any idea how many volumes an entire collected works may include? I’m really looking forward to this release of yours. Good luck with it!

I don’t know where else to
I don’t know where else to post this, but I just read two good papers on workers’ control within market economies that I’d like to share with you. This paper really goes into detail about the different kinds of workers’ control and what worker-controlled firms need to stay worker-controlled. And this paper looks in-depth at worker-owned plywood firms in the US Northwest, analyzes their successes and failures, and comes up with ideas of how to improve worker-owned firms in a market economy.

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