Design and image blogging

At Aileen’s prompting I’ve started to do some work to facilitate people posting image / design based blogs.  Although they are a little complex we actually have a relatively sophesticated set of wools for doing this in the form of Image Picker and FCK Editor (which provides the WYSIWYG / word style interface).  There are some quick instructions on using these below

Categories for blogs – any ideas

I set up the blogs on the site without any category fields for two reasons

1. I didn’t want to re-use the article categorys as I wanted searches using those not to include blogs which will generally be of lower quality

2. To streamline writing them as much as possible

I’m now re-thinking this as it would be nice to be able to list all blogs that deal with particular areas.  But I’m not sure how to best do this keeping 1 and 2 in mind.

What I’m thinking is

How to publish articles to the site

This articles explains how you publish articles to the site and what all those different options above and under your article do.

Approved tags and requests for new ones

As well as the set category items the site has ‘tags’ that allow a much looser form of categorisation. Literally any word can be used as a tag, however doing this literally defeats the purpose as we’d end up with such a huge list that they’d be useless for classification. So instead this thread is going to list agreed tags and requests for new agreed tags – only use these when tagging articles and make sure to spell them correctly when you use them.

This manual index has been replaced by the automatic Topic index

Getting the site together and adding author field

I’ve been spending the last couple of days carrying out a security update and adding some additional modules (eg printer friendly page generation) in preparation for expanding the number of writers.